Did Evil and God Exist?
An Atheist
Professor of
Philosophy was
speaking to
his Class on
the Problem
Science has
GOD, the
asked one of
his New
Students to
stand and . .
Professor : You
are a
aren't you,
son ?
Student : Yes, sir.
Professor : So, you Believe in GOD ?
Student : Absolutely, sir.
Professor : Is GOD Good ?
Student : Sure.
Professor : Is GOD ALL - POWERFUL ?
Student : Yes.
Professor : My
Brother died
of Cancer even
though he
Prayed to GOD to
Heal him.
of us would
attempt to
help others
who are ill.
But GOD didn't.
How is this GOD good
then? Hmm?
(Student was silent )
Professor : You
can't answer,
can you ?
Let's start
again, Young
Is GOD Good?
Student : Yes.
Professor : Is Satan good ?
Student : No.
Professor : Where
does Satan
come from ?
Student : From
. . . GOD .
. .
Professor : That's
right. Tell
me son, is
there evil in
this World?
Student : Yes.
Professor : Evil is
isn't it ?
And GOD did
Student : Yes.
Professor : So who created evil ?
(Student did not answer)
: Is there
Ugliness? All
these terrible
things exist
in the World,
don't they?
Student : Yes, sir.
Professor : So,
who Created
them ?
(Student had no answer)
Professor : Science
says you have
5 Senses you
use to
Identify and
Observe the
World around
me, son . . .
Have you ever
Seen GOD?
Student : No, sir.
Professor : Tell
us if you
have ever
your GOD?
Student : No , sir.
Professor : Have
you ever Felt
your GOD,
Tasted your GOD,
your GOD?
Have you ever
had any
Perception of GOD for that matter?
: No,
sir. I'm
afraid I
Professor : Yet
you still
in HIM?
Student : Yes.
: According
to Empirical,
Science says
your GOD doesn't
exist. What
do you say to
that, son?
Student : Nothing.
I only have
my Faith.
Professor : Yes,
Faith. And
that is the
Science has.
(Here, the student begins to shoot back the professor.)
Student : Professor,
is there such
a thing as
Professor : Yes.
Student : And
is there such
a thing as
Professor : Yes.
Student : No,
sir. There
Theatre became
very quiet
with this turn
of events )
Student :
Sir, you can
have Lots of
Heat, even
More Heat,
Mega Heat,
White Heat,
a Little Heat
or No Heat.
But we don't
have anything
called Cold.
We can hit
Degrees below
Zero which is
No Heat, but we can't
go any further
after that.
There is
no such thing
as Cold. Cold
is only a
Word we use to
describe the
Absence of
Heat. We
cannot Measure Cold.
Energy. Cold
is Not the
Opposite of
Heat, sir,
just the
Absence of it.
(There was
Silence in the
Theatre )
Student : What
Darkness, Professor?
Is there such a
thing as
Professor : Yes.
What is Night
if there
Student : You're
wrong again,
is the
Absence of
can have Low
Light, Normal
Light, Bright
Flashing Light
. . .
But if you
have No Light
you have
nothing and
its called
isn't it?
If it is,
were you would
be able to
make Darkness
wouldn't you?
Professor : So
what is the
point you are
making, Young
Man ?
Student : Sir,
my point is
Premise is
Professor : Flawed
? Can you
explain how?
Student : Sir,
you are
working on the
Premise of
argue there
is Life and
then there is
Death, a
Good GOD and a
Bad GOD.
are viewing
the Concept
of GOD as
something we
can measure.
Science can't
even explain a
It uses
and Magnetism,
but has never
seen, much
less fully
either one.
view Death as
the Opposite
of Life is to
be ignorant of
the fact that
Death cannot
exist as a
Thing. Death is
Not the
Opposite of
Life: just the
Absence of
Now tell
me, Professor,
do you teach
your Students
that they
evolved from a
Professor : If
you are
referring to
the Natural
Process, yes,
of course, I
Student : Have
you ever
Evolution with
your own eyes,
shook his head
with a Smile,
beginning to
realize where
the Argument
was going )
Student :
Since no one
has ever
observed the
Process of
Evolution at
work and
even prove
that this
Process is an
Are you
not teaching
your Opinion,
Are you
not a
Scientist but a
(The Class was in Uproar )
Student : Is
there anyone
in the Class
who has ever
seen the
Class broke
out into
Laughter )
Student : Is
there anyone
here who has
ever heard the
Brain, Felt
it, touched or smell it? . . . No one
appears to
have done so.
according to
Rules of
Protocol, Science
says that You
have No Brain,
sir. With all due
respect, sir,
how do we then
Trust your
Lectures, sir?
Room was
Silent. The
stared at the
Student, his
Professor : I
guess you'll
have to take
them on Faith,
Student : That is
it sir . . .
Exactly !
The Link
between Man
That is
all that Keeps
Things Alive
and Moving.
That student
was Albert
NB : You can forward this for unknowledge friend so they can have the things named FAITH.
Rabu, 05 Februari 2014
Did Evil and God Exist?
Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013
Human Emotion Can Be So Wrong
While a man was polishing his new car, his 6 yr old son picked up a
stone and scratched lines on the side of the car. In anger, the man
took the child's hand and hit it many times; not realizing he was using a
At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures. When the child saw his father with painful eyes, he asked, "Dad, when will my fingers grow back?" The man was so hurt and speechless; he went back to his car and kicked it a lot of times, devastated by his own actions. Sitting in front of that car he looked at the scratches. The child had written 'I LOVE YOU DAD'.
The next day that man committed suicide. Anger and Love have no limits; choose the latter to have a beautiful, lovely life. Things are to be used and people are to be loved. But the problem in today's world is that people are used and things are loved. In this year, let's be careful to keep this thought in mind: "Things are to be used, but People are to be loved."
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
I'm glad a friend forwarded this to me as a reminder. God bless you. If you don't pass this on nothing bad will happen; if you do, you might change someones life.
At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures. When the child saw his father with painful eyes, he asked, "Dad, when will my fingers grow back?" The man was so hurt and speechless; he went back to his car and kicked it a lot of times, devastated by his own actions. Sitting in front of that car he looked at the scratches. The child had written 'I LOVE YOU DAD'.
The next day that man committed suicide. Anger and Love have no limits; choose the latter to have a beautiful, lovely life. Things are to be used and people are to be loved. But the problem in today's world is that people are used and things are loved. In this year, let's be careful to keep this thought in mind: "Things are to be used, but People are to be loved."
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
I'm glad a friend forwarded this to me as a reminder. God bless you. If you don't pass this on nothing bad will happen; if you do, you might change someones life.

Minggu, 09 Desember 2012
Short Freshly News About Me
Now I become a student in a college named University of Surabaya or u can call it Ubaya..
My life was really happy now because one of my problem about future, university, etc solved.
though it's hard to choose the university and the subject,, especially teh most subject I hate in school before.... Yup it is Chemistry,, BUt now I life in all things about Chemistry.
yup now I'm a student of Pharmacy,, still freshman and this is my happiest year bcz I get so many friends and experience here,, so fantastical I thing but I won't tell it this time.
Also bout my boy Oscar,, I've pause our relationship bcz both me and him are so busy each other,, also we can't communicate better for now,, bad signal, time and so many things make us connect difficult
at all that's bout the news and the end.
Now I become a student in a college named University of Surabaya or u can call it Ubaya..
My life was really happy now because one of my problem about future, university, etc solved.
though it's hard to choose the university and the subject,, especially teh most subject I hate in school before.... Yup it is Chemistry,, BUt now I life in all things about Chemistry.
yup now I'm a student of Pharmacy,, still freshman and this is my happiest year bcz I get so many friends and experience here,, so fantastical I thing but I won't tell it this time.
Also bout my boy Oscar,, I've pause our relationship bcz both me and him are so busy each other,, also we can't communicate better for now,, bad signal, time and so many things make us connect difficult
at all that's bout the news and the end.
Rabu, 06 Juni 2012
Why it is so difficult to Talk?
Why it is so difficult to talk?
A mute one said inside his heart. Why are people who have
beautiful voice always save their words inside their hearts whereas I want to
speak with beautiful words?
That question feel like pointed on me. I ask to myself. Why
am I who can speak but never said everything that I want to say? It’s like I am
the mute one, and the true that the mute one can speak clearly. They can say
what they want to say with their sign language. But I can’t say what I want to
say even with a sign.
I don’t know what the point of my problem. I have my voice.
I can speak well with others, I can answer every question well but I can’t
speak what I want to say. Did anyone ever have same problem like me? Or maybe I
am an “alien”. Other “alien” that I know named K*****y (sorry it isn’t
generality). He is someone who I am able to talk better. If it’s true, is there
any “alien” like me. If so, please share your ways to communicate with human in
this world. I don’t ask comments. Just story, and sorry I don’t mean that u are
a real alien. LmfaO.
So the details are simple. Those are like this. When I want
to say that, it is like there is something in your throat. Like heavy airless
in your throat. It is like the scariest things (ups sorry I’m too emotional lol)
Yup but I really scared to say that though I have no fault. It’s happen
especially when I face certain people, when I want to explain something or
giving advice to them. It’s because I know I will make a fault on words and it
can change everything more badly. I really want to talk and it is an important
thing to say. I really want to say it aloud, clearly and firmly. But it just
makes me choked when I plan to start to talk. It’s so simple right? But really
hard to start and make a try.
Minggu, 05 Februari 2012
A Silent Love
Once there was a couple who love
very much each other. From the very beginning, the
girl's family strongly objected on
her dating him. They objected because of his family
background and felt that the girl
will have to suffer for the rest of her life if she were to
be with him.
Due to her
family pressure, the couple quarreled very often. Although the girl love the
guy deeply, she would always seek
confirmation of his love by asking him,
"How deep is your love for
As the guy is not good with his
words, this often result in the girl to be very upset. These
various reasons causes the girl to
vent her anger on him often. The guy endured the
suffering in silence.
After a couple
of years, the guy finally graduated and decided to further his studies
overseas. Before leaving, he
proposed to the girl,
"I'm not very good with words,
but I simply know I love you. If you allow me, I will
take care of you for the rest of my
life. As for your family, I'll try my best to talk them
round. Will you marry me?"
The girl agreed
and touched by the guy's determination, the family finally gave in and
agreed to let them get married. So
before he left the country, they got engaged.
The girl entered
the working society, whereas the guy continued his studies overseas.
They kept their love strong through
emails and phone calls. Even though it's hard,
neither of them never thought of
giving up.
One day, while
the girl was on her way to work, she was knocked down by a car that
lost control. When she woke up, she
saw her parents beside her bed. She realized that
she was badly injured. She saw her
mum crying and wanted to comfort her. But she
realized that she could only muster
a sigh. She has lost her voice...
The doctors
explanation was that the impact of the accident on her brain caused her to
lose her voice. When she heard her
parents comforting her but she was unable to reply
them at all, she broke down.
During the stay
in the hospital, other than crying silently there was nothing else she could
do. Upon reaching home, life seemed
to go on normally. However, whenever the phone
rang, the ringtone seemed to pierce
through her heart. She had no wish of letting the guy
know about her condition. She did
not want to be a burden to him. Hence, she wrote a
letter to him informing him that
she does not wish to wait for him to come back any
Following that,
she sent the engagement ring back to him. In return, the guy sent millions
of reply and countless
phonecalls... The girl could only drown her sorrows in tears as
she ignored them all.
The parents
decided to move away, hoping that she could eventually forget everything
and be happy. With a new
environment, the girl picked up sign language and started a
new life. She told herself everyday
that she must forget about the guy.
One day, her
friend informed her that he's back from abroad. She requested her friend
not to let him know what happened
to her. Since then, there wasn't anymore news of
A year later,
her friend came back with an envelope, containing an invitation card for the
guy's wedding. The girl was
shattered. When she opened the letter, she saw shocked to
see her name as the bride. Just
when she was about to ask her friend what's going on,
she saw the guy standing in front
of her. He used sign language to tell her this,
"I've spent a year's time to
learn sign language just to let you know that I've not
forgotten our promise. Let me have
the chance to be your voice. I Love You." With
that, he slipped the ring back into
her finger. The girl finally smiled.
My Comment :
I don't know what I'll comment when
I read this I just wondering my lovely boyfriend do this to me though I ain't a
mute girl.. Tear felt like they will fall down but smile rise from my face. It
is a best romance story I've ever read although I found this on my paper test.
Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011
The True Love that Real in This World. THE TISA'S FLOWER
This animal listed as animal that I admired, This animal became my grip to live. Animal that though me about means of live and how to love others. This creature that keep me having love in every conditions with him and with Him. And lucky you if you read this article. Aye though I know these just their photos because it was very difficult for people watching them live. You should take the purpose and meaning of life too and not only the theories but also practicing on from these. Not only literature, but you must really learn from their life. The true of life. We should give thanks because we have real beautiful life and also more long life time than them. Don't waste your life time because you have receive your time quota. Sometimes I felt thing like what you feel. But this can be a real good grip for respect your life. You don't need to wonder how if you live as this insect. Just give thank to God for times that you've receive and wasted before and more respect those from now on.

Palingenia longicauda or also known as Tisa's Flower is an ancient insect species. Insect species is thought to have originated from 200 million ago. One place the appearance of this insect is in the Tisa River.
Tisa River Tisa River or are one of the last sanctuaries where these insects emerge every year in very large quantities. This is a rare spectacle, "wedding dance" on the Tisa River.

It is interesting to witness the phenomenon, which is one of the most
beautiful phenomenon that only lasts for 5 days only in June. Thousands
of these insects fly with zeal to meet the entire river
The Palingenia longicauda this is one of the insects "mayfly" the largest in Europe. Male insects can reach 12 cm in length, from head to tail. This insect is in the larval period for 3 years. Over the past 3 years, the larvae are in the riverbed.
But his life is very short which is 3 hours. Once born they grow up, in pairs and then immediately die. These insects have a unique wing, wings will change their skin after reach the main functions.
Tisa's Flower growing up just one time. And at mid-June, at 5:00 to 6:00 PM, they will dance on the river in large groups. Then they'll change the skin on the tree, on land, or wherever they place.
This phenomenon is known by the name of Tissa Blooming or splitting of Tisa. After they grow up in full (after a few seconds they change the skin), male insects have only a few hours only to find their partner, male and females before they die.

Palingenia longicauda or also known as Tisa's Flower is an ancient insect species. Insect species is thought to have originated from 200 million ago. One place the appearance of this insect is in the Tisa River.
Tisa River Tisa River or are one of the last sanctuaries where these insects emerge every year in very large quantities. This is a rare spectacle, "wedding dance" on the Tisa River.
Only a few days in June each year (not even every year) Tisa's Flower
was born,copulate, and death. During the 3 hours will all be over, life
is short. Insects of this type do not have mouths, they live only for copulate and die.
Life is very short, but very beautiful This is truly a rare sight that is difficult to be told only through pictures or words.
The Palingenia longicauda this is one of the insects "mayfly" the largest in Europe. Male insects can reach 12 cm in length, from head to tail. This insect is in the larval period for 3 years. Over the past 3 years, the larvae are in the riverbed.
But his life is very short which is 3 hours. Once born they grow up, in pairs and then immediately die. These insects have a unique wing, wings will change their skin after reach the main functions.

Tisa's Flower growing up just one time. And at mid-June, at 5:00 to 6:00 PM, they will dance on the river in large groups. Then they'll change the skin on the tree, on land, or wherever they place.
This phenomenon is known by the name of Tissa Blooming or splitting of Tisa. After they grow up in full (after a few seconds they change the skin), male insects have only a few hours only to find their partner, male and females before they die.
Once paired or copulated, female
insects flying down the river to see if their eggs already in the river
and fell into the riverbed. Then the egg would become larvae within 45
days and will hatch after 3 years.
These insects are insects that are sensitive to pollution. If they were
in a river, the river must have a clean river. Besides as an indicator
of the environment, insects are also foods that are good for fish, so
that some anglers use these insects as bait in their fishing rods.
Currently, insect Palingenia longicauda already extinct in some European countries and can only be found in Serbia and Hungary.
Currently, insect Palingenia longicauda already extinct in some European countries and can only be found in Serbia and Hungary.
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