Rabu, 06 Juni 2012

Why it is so difficult to Talk?

Why it is so difficult to talk?

A mute one said inside his heart. Why are people who have beautiful voice always save their words inside their hearts whereas I want to speak with beautiful words?

That question feel like pointed on me. I ask to myself. Why am I who can speak but never said everything that I want to say? It’s like I am the mute one, and the true that the mute one can speak clearly. They can say what they want to say with their sign language. But I can’t say what I want to say even with a sign.

I don’t know what the point of my problem. I have my voice. I can speak well with others, I can answer every question well but I can’t speak what I want to say. Did anyone ever have same problem like me? Or maybe I am an “alien”. Other “alien” that I know named K*****y (sorry it isn’t generality). He is someone who I am able to talk better. If it’s true, is there any “alien” like me. If so, please share your ways to communicate with human in this world. I don’t ask comments. Just story, and sorry I don’t mean that u are a real alien. LmfaO.

So the details are simple. Those are like this. When I want to say that, it is like there is something in your throat. Like heavy airless in your throat. It is like the scariest things (ups sorry I’m too emotional lol) Yup but I really scared to say that though I have no fault. It’s happen especially when I face certain people, when I want to explain something or giving advice to them. It’s because I know I will make a fault on words and it can change everything more badly. I really want to talk and it is an important thing to say. I really want to say it aloud, clearly and firmly. But it just makes me choked when I plan to start to talk. It’s so simple right? But really hard to start and make a try.

Is there any “alien”? Or if you are human who know the language to communicate better, tell us (people that have same problem like me).